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  • 1.  CAFM CPE points

    Posted 04-19-2024 16:07

    Hello everyone,

    I'm happy to report that I just completed my last exam, whew!

    I'm now looking into the recertification process as I don't want to fall behind in points and have to play catch up. Does anyone have any tips?

    I've looked at the tracking sheet, what exactly is "The Center"? The tracker references this a lot. Also, is there a list of partner organizations that I can look into?

    Thanks in advance for anything you can share.

    Carsten Andreasen, CAFM
    City of Toronto, ON
    Toronto, ON

  • 2.  RE: CAFM CPE points

    Posted 04-22-2024 08:56


    First off, congratulations on finishing your CAFM! 

    If you look on the online tracker, it seems "The Center" is just referring NAFA related events . If you go to and then select 'My Courses', you should be able to see the online location for recertification submissions (feel free to reach out if you need help finding it). 

    As for point strategies... I would prioritize staying a member of NAFA (4 points per year) and attending the NAFA I&E (6 points per year). If you do those things, you can get to roughly 50/80 points. Participating in your local NAFA group's events can net you a few points per year depending on how active they are. If you can take it on, various NAFA committees are always looking for volunteers, so that can be a great way to pour into the organization as well as getting points. Submission to the 100 best fleets can get you points too. NAFA rewards involvement in the organization, so taking advantage of what they have to offer will get you where you need to be. There are points opportunities available in many other areas, but it does take some planning and intentionality.

    However, I would not use the Recertification Tracking spreadsheet as it seems to be slightly outdated. The online tracker gives more information and suggestions as to what you can do for points. I have also been advised to keep track of anything that would serve as "proof" for the points submissions (credit card statements, registration confirmations, emails, screenshots, pictures, etc.) Not that anyone is going to try to cheat you out of points, but glitches do happen, so it would be wise to keep a local folder of points and proof just in case.

    Hopefully this gives you the tips you were looking for! Let me know if you need anything else and I would be happy to help!

    Andrew Finch, CAFM
    Operations Analyst
    City of Lynchburg, VA
    Lynchburg, VA

  • 3.  RE: CAFM CPE points

    Posted 05-15-2024 11:43

    Hi Andrew, sorry for such a lag in this reply.

    Thank you very much, I didn't know there was an online tool and your other input is very helpful. 

    Carsten Andreasen, CAFM
    City of Toronto, ON
    Toronto, ON